been married for.... 2 months minus 7 days.... masih masa2 hanimun nih... aku ada ngambek2nya juga sih -dasar aku-
penyesuaian sih ngga terlalu berat juga, karena sebelumnya juga ampir seharian kita barengan, so kayaknya sudah susah kalo mau bertopeng-topeng terus selama itu.... soal kerjaan rumah tangga, dari dulu juga kangmas dng rela mau share..... soal masak juga dari dulu gantian hehehe....
trus hari ini ultahnya my beloved kangmas.... for the first time i had to look under that 'Birthday - Husband' ... ternyata susyah juga yah cari kartu yg pas.... kalo cuma 'Birthday - Love' gituh masih banyak pilihannya..... anyway... akhirnya beli yg "Birthday - Love" aja trus ditulisin sendiri :D mau masak mie, tapi apa daya bisanya cuma masak mie instan... :D
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
no title deh
Minggu ini ada dua berita sedih yg aku terima dalam sehari... bukan langsung berkaitan dng aku sih, tapi kejadian yg menimpa temanku....
Yg satu teman kerjaku yg sekarang, orangnya sangat baik dan tulus dan akrab, like a sister to me... - aku nya kaku begini, jadi bisa dibayangkan dia tuh orang yg bener2 bisa reach out ke orang lain - dia hamil dan menunggu due date nya tgl 18 Aug nanti.... tapi ternyata tgl 11 Aug (Kamis) lalu dia ngga merasakan gerakan bayi nya lagi... ternyata memang bayinya sudah meninggal....
Ngga ada yg bener2 tahu kenapa bayinya meninggal, tapi dugaan, tali pusarnya terlalu panjang sehingga melilit kaki bayi nya jadi supply oksigen dan makanan ngga nyampe....
Sedih banget deh, padahal bayinya sehat.... dan kita semua sudah ikut menantikan kelahiran bayi ini.... ini anak kedua dia, perempuan juga... anak pertamanya cantik dan lucu banget......
Dia sebenernya merasa bayinya bergerak lebih kuat selama beberapa hari terakhir.... mungkin itu tanda bayinya mulai merasa terganggu dng tali pusar yg melilit itu...
Padahal hari Rabu nya kita masih bercanda... ada temen yg bilang "ayo kita panggil ambulance sekarang, dia dah mau melahirkan tuh"... n ada temen yg nanya "kamu dah siapin barang2 utk bayimu?" dia bilang sudah.... "kalo dulu sih orang ngga boleh nyiapin dulu yah, mungkin karena angka kematian bayi zaman dulu tinggi"....
eh.. .ternyata begini jadinya.... duh kita semua sediiih banget....... apalagi temen kita yg dulu juga bayinya meninggal karena terbelit tali pusar nya sendiri.... Tips dari temanku ini, pokoknya dalam sehari, bayi yg sehat akan bergerak 6-8 kali... kalau kurang dari itu, mendingan langsung kontak dokter.....
Yg kedua ayah temanku ada yg kena serangan jantung dan koma, hidupnya tergantung sama mesin aja... sekarang mereka tinggal tunggu keluarganya berkumpul dan mereka kayaknya memutuskan akan mencabut life support system nya.....
Cuma bisa berdoa deh buat mereka.....
Yg satu teman kerjaku yg sekarang, orangnya sangat baik dan tulus dan akrab, like a sister to me... - aku nya kaku begini, jadi bisa dibayangkan dia tuh orang yg bener2 bisa reach out ke orang lain - dia hamil dan menunggu due date nya tgl 18 Aug nanti.... tapi ternyata tgl 11 Aug (Kamis) lalu dia ngga merasakan gerakan bayi nya lagi... ternyata memang bayinya sudah meninggal....
Ngga ada yg bener2 tahu kenapa bayinya meninggal, tapi dugaan, tali pusarnya terlalu panjang sehingga melilit kaki bayi nya jadi supply oksigen dan makanan ngga nyampe....
Sedih banget deh, padahal bayinya sehat.... dan kita semua sudah ikut menantikan kelahiran bayi ini.... ini anak kedua dia, perempuan juga... anak pertamanya cantik dan lucu banget......
Dia sebenernya merasa bayinya bergerak lebih kuat selama beberapa hari terakhir.... mungkin itu tanda bayinya mulai merasa terganggu dng tali pusar yg melilit itu...
Padahal hari Rabu nya kita masih bercanda... ada temen yg bilang "ayo kita panggil ambulance sekarang, dia dah mau melahirkan tuh"... n ada temen yg nanya "kamu dah siapin barang2 utk bayimu?" dia bilang sudah.... "kalo dulu sih orang ngga boleh nyiapin dulu yah, mungkin karena angka kematian bayi zaman dulu tinggi"....
eh.. .ternyata begini jadinya.... duh kita semua sediiih banget....... apalagi temen kita yg dulu juga bayinya meninggal karena terbelit tali pusar nya sendiri.... Tips dari temanku ini, pokoknya dalam sehari, bayi yg sehat akan bergerak 6-8 kali... kalau kurang dari itu, mendingan langsung kontak dokter.....
Yg kedua ayah temanku ada yg kena serangan jantung dan koma, hidupnya tergantung sama mesin aja... sekarang mereka tinggal tunggu keluarganya berkumpul dan mereka kayaknya memutuskan akan mencabut life support system nya.....
Cuma bisa berdoa deh buat mereka.....
Sunday, August 06, 2006
not-so-nice weekend
I've been told many times that eating shellfish ("hoi" in Thai) could be dangerous... not really fatal but could cause food poisoning... And I've read -or, heard- once that it is because it have a special characteristic, i.e. it can "store" poisonous material it absorbs under the surface of it's skin... so it won't get poisoned, but the one who eat it will be poisoned....
Allright, but I like it anyway and eat it whenever I feel like eating it....
But this weekend has been ruined because of those tiny little things.... I ate it during lunch time last Friday... and the rest of that day I felt my stomach is so full, and didnt feel like eating anything else... I thought it was because I ate too much during lunch time *oops*... but still I could go to the gym, did some shopping and went back home -thank God-
Then, arriving home at around 22.00, my stomach started to ache, with strange noises came from within and waves of nausea attacked me -allright, the description stops here-... and things went worse -and just too bad, I ran out of my stock of imodium, which I normally keep for emergency- I called the clinic inside but they dont have it either.... so I tried to survive on active carbon tablets and electrolyte alone...
until around 2.00 I could not stand it anymore and asked my kangmas to go to the clinic and just asked whatever medicine they have... the nurse gave him anti-vomitting, anti-bacteria and more carbon tablets, she prepared just enough for me.... for some time it stopped and I could go to sleep....
around 4.00 I was half awake and realised that my kangmas was in the bathroom for a long time too... he had food poisoning too... so I asked him to take the medicine I got from the clinic....
so on Saturday morning, both of us were so weak and had to use the bathroom in turns hehehe... as I was feeling a bit better, I went to the clinic to fetch more medicine for both of us, and bought gatorade -as the nurse said it's ok-... fortunately kangmas' case is milder than mine... so on Saturday afternoon he's already better....
but for me, it went on till this Sunday morning..... by afternoon I was already OK, I drank strong tea twice... ate porridge all this weekend... I could already go to the mall this afternoon hehehe... there I bought my stock of imodium and coconut water -as people say this could help in any case of poisoning- .... and I think I'm OK now, though still feeling a bit weak
OK... now.... what I learn from here
Lesson 1: eat shellfish sparingly -me, I think I wont eat it anymore-
Lesson 2: always keep anti-diarrhea, carbon tablet is a must
Lesson 3: strong tea and coconut water help
Allright, but I like it anyway and eat it whenever I feel like eating it....
But this weekend has been ruined because of those tiny little things.... I ate it during lunch time last Friday... and the rest of that day I felt my stomach is so full, and didnt feel like eating anything else... I thought it was because I ate too much during lunch time *oops*... but still I could go to the gym, did some shopping and went back home -thank God-
Then, arriving home at around 22.00, my stomach started to ache, with strange noises came from within and waves of nausea attacked me -allright, the description stops here-... and things went worse -and just too bad, I ran out of my stock of imodium, which I normally keep for emergency- I called the clinic inside but they dont have it either.... so I tried to survive on active carbon tablets and electrolyte alone...
until around 2.00 I could not stand it anymore and asked my kangmas to go to the clinic and just asked whatever medicine they have... the nurse gave him anti-vomitting, anti-bacteria and more carbon tablets, she prepared just enough for me.... for some time it stopped and I could go to sleep....
around 4.00 I was half awake and realised that my kangmas was in the bathroom for a long time too... he had food poisoning too... so I asked him to take the medicine I got from the clinic....
so on Saturday morning, both of us were so weak and had to use the bathroom in turns hehehe... as I was feeling a bit better, I went to the clinic to fetch more medicine for both of us, and bought gatorade -as the nurse said it's ok-... fortunately kangmas' case is milder than mine... so on Saturday afternoon he's already better....
but for me, it went on till this Sunday morning..... by afternoon I was already OK, I drank strong tea twice... ate porridge all this weekend... I could already go to the mall this afternoon hehehe... there I bought my stock of imodium and coconut water -as people say this could help in any case of poisoning- .... and I think I'm OK now, though still feeling a bit weak
OK... now.... what I learn from here
Lesson 1: eat shellfish sparingly -me, I think I wont eat it anymore-
Lesson 2: always keep anti-diarrhea, carbon tablet is a must
Lesson 3: strong tea and coconut water help
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