Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's 1:22 now... it's raining outside... after quite some time without rain... it's nice to hear the sound of the water falling outside the window... nice to feel the cool air (pake air con sih, tapi kan jd makin sejuk, biasanya setel 24 C aja gak adem)....
It's been a long day
tadi 8.30-14.00 aku away dari Tio karena pergi ke Bkk utk meeting job yg satu... Tio gak diajak karena kasihan nanti 2 jam dia mo dimana.. di mall bisa sih tapi gak familiar, kasihan bapaknya ntar repot...
trus pulang rumah eh kok ya nemu lemari bukunya dimakan rayap dan jadi sarang rayap hiiiiii
bapak e Tio jadi sibuk deh seharian.... rumah jadi berantakan... kasihan pasti cape jg bapak e Tio...
cape dehhhh......
trus pulang rumah eh kok ya nemu lemari bukunya dimakan rayap dan jadi sarang rayap hiiiiii
bapak e Tio jadi sibuk deh seharian.... rumah jadi berantakan... kasihan pasti cape jg bapak e Tio...
cape dehhhh......
ngomel pembantu lagi :D
nanny nya tio kan sekarang udah lambat (ya udah sepuh sih) trus udah gak bisa masak (karena gak tahan berdiri lama2), jagain tio jg kurang efektif soalnya aku takut nanti dia gak ngatasin kalo tio lari atau narik something dari meja atau apa... dan kadang jg takut soalnya dulu sempat tio dikasih main termometer! padahal ditempelin di deket kaca meja rias (jadi bukan tio yg ngambil sendiri)..... aku jadinya takut kalo something like that happen lagi, dikasih mainan yg sebetulnya bahaya
trus barusan tadi aku liat, tio ditinggal sendirian di stroller sedang dia kira2 3 meter away.... nah kalo tio tiba2 berdiri aku yakin dia pasti gak sempat nangkep.... aku jadi marah deh... langsung aku
dia meskipun bukan nada marah banget tapi pasti dia tahu kalo aku marah ... dia jg sadar bhw dia gak akan sempat nangkep kalo tio tiba2 berdiri .... trus sambil ketawa gitu ngomongnya... ya mungkin utk menetralisir suasana... tapi aku masih sebel...
dia jg sering cuti utk ke dokter... 1/2 hari sih pagi aja.. waktu aku nganggur ga ada job2an sih aku izinin, berhubung sekarang aku lagi sibuk (sibuk nulis di sini jg nih hehehe) aku gak izinin (dia bisa pergi sore jg sih jam 16, tapi dia harus bayar, kalo pergi pagi dia gak perlu bayar karena yg sore ini semacam klinik yg lebih VIP di RS pemerintah yg sama)... nah ky nya dia nyindir2 "kalo pergi sore byk orang, dokter bilang kalo pagi sepi" padahal dulu bilang kalo pagi jg rame karena gratis.... mmm aku jadi agak2 gimana gitu... yah aku pura2 bodo aja... toh kalo aku gak sibuk jg aku iziini cuti pagi dan dia jg tahu itu....
sebetulnya udah agak lama kepikir mau ganti... soalnya jadi dia gak banyak membantu.. paling sapu, ngepel dan setrika... ya jujur aja, rasanya kok gak worth it kalo kita bayarin dia full tapi ga banyak bantu... dia sih ky nya ga mau dilepas (dulu pernah dia bilang mo kerja 1/2 hari aja... trus kangmas bilang mo cari orang utk yg 1/2 hari nya... tapi dia ga mau, mungkin takut kalo orang baru itu lebih baik trus dia dilepas).... trus kita jg ga tau kalo cari orang baru gimana soalnya dia ky nya "boss mafia pembantu" disini dan jaringannya ky nya kuat... lagian orang baru jg belum tentu lebih baik ...
ga tahu deh nanti gimana.. dipikir pikir pikir pikir pikir pikir dulu lagi
trus barusan tadi aku liat, tio ditinggal sendirian di stroller sedang dia kira2 3 meter away.... nah kalo tio tiba2 berdiri aku yakin dia pasti gak sempat nangkep.... aku jadi marah deh... langsung aku
dia jg sering cuti utk ke dokter... 1/2 hari sih pagi aja.. waktu aku nganggur ga ada job2an sih aku izinin, berhubung sekarang aku lagi sibuk (sibuk nulis di sini jg nih hehehe) aku gak izinin (dia bisa pergi sore jg sih jam 16, tapi dia harus bayar, kalo pergi pagi dia gak perlu bayar karena yg sore ini semacam klinik yg lebih VIP di RS pemerintah yg sama)... nah ky nya dia nyindir2 "kalo pergi sore byk orang, dokter bilang kalo pagi sepi" padahal dulu bilang kalo pagi jg rame karena gratis.... mmm aku jadi agak2 gimana gitu... yah aku pura2 bodo aja... toh kalo aku gak sibuk jg aku iziini cuti pagi dan dia jg tahu itu....
sebetulnya udah agak lama kepikir mau ganti... soalnya jadi dia gak banyak membantu.. paling sapu, ngepel dan setrika... ya jujur aja, rasanya kok gak worth it kalo kita bayarin dia full tapi ga banyak bantu... dia sih ky nya ga mau dilepas (dulu pernah dia bilang mo kerja 1/2 hari aja... trus kangmas bilang mo cari orang utk yg 1/2 hari nya... tapi dia ga mau, mungkin takut kalo orang baru itu lebih baik trus dia dilepas).... trus kita jg ga tau kalo cari orang baru gimana soalnya dia ky nya "boss mafia pembantu" disini dan jaringannya ky nya kuat... lagian orang baru jg belum tentu lebih baik ...
ga tahu deh nanti gimana.. dipikir pikir pikir pikir pikir pikir dulu lagi
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Burning the midnight oil
It's not easy working at home...
I should be thankful for getting jobs that I can do from home, I AM... and not only one, but two jobs at the same time... if I finish these jobs well, then I can get the same amount of money had I been working full time for almost 5 months.... plus I get to spend my time with Tio...
but it's not easy to find time to work on it... honestly I'm worried that I won't be able to finish them on time.... hiks....
I should be thankful for getting jobs that I can do from home, I AM... and not only one, but two jobs at the same time... if I finish these jobs well, then I can get the same amount of money had I been working full time for almost 5 months.... plus I get to spend my time with Tio...
but it's not easy to find time to work on it... honestly I'm worried that I won't be able to finish them on time.... hiks....
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Reminiscing the old days
I found many of my junior and highschool classmates or schoolmates through facebook. It brought back the memories of those days. It is amazing to see how we are scattered around the world now and how different our worlds are.
I wasn't a popular student during those years. In fact I was shy, perhaps my schoolmates considered me as weird or nerd. Not to the same degree as Carrie White, but weird nonetheless. With my lacking sense of fashion, dull appearance and quietness. But I was good at academic achievement and made some friends because of it, I could say. I help them with their homework and sometime during exam (yes, I did that too :P)
I chatted with a schoolmate recently. She is someone whom I considered to be a popular student, she is a part of a gang of popular students. It came to me as a surprise that she told me she was afraid that I would reject her friend request because I might have not known or forgotten her. She told me that she doesn't think herself as popular, she thinks of herself as a crazy one. She also told me that she never considered me as a nerd. Just quiet. Hmm.... I believe she told me the truth... I think of her as someone one who speaks bluntly without flowery words.
I also remember of my junior and highschool crush (hehehe, it's only one person)... It is funny to remember that I was so happy passing by his grandma's house (somehow I found out his grandma's address, I forgot how) or caught a glimpse of him from the balcony (my classroom was on the 2nd floor). Sooo cheesy LOL :D
I wasn't a popular student during those years. In fact I was shy, perhaps my schoolmates considered me as weird or nerd. Not to the same degree as Carrie White, but weird nonetheless. With my lacking sense of fashion, dull appearance and quietness. But I was good at academic achievement and made some friends because of it, I could say. I help them with their homework and sometime during exam (yes, I did that too :P)
I chatted with a schoolmate recently. She is someone whom I considered to be a popular student, she is a part of a gang of popular students. It came to me as a surprise that she told me she was afraid that I would reject her friend request because I might have not known or forgotten her. She told me that she doesn't think herself as popular, she thinks of herself as a crazy one. She also told me that she never considered me as a nerd. Just quiet. Hmm.... I believe she told me the truth... I think of her as someone one who speaks bluntly without flowery words.
I also remember of my junior and highschool crush (hehehe, it's only one person)... It is funny to remember that I was so happy passing by his grandma's house (somehow I found out his grandma's address, I forgot how) or caught a glimpse of him from the balcony (my classroom was on the 2nd floor). Sooo cheesy LOL :D
Friday, October 03, 2008
Rediscovering the comfort of hot showers
Long hot showers were taken for granted in my younger days.
In the days when I could go to the gym every other day, it was nice to have a hot shower after exercising. But that's it, nice.
These days, long hot shower is a luxury, but even a short one is a special thing to enjoy.
After a long, hot and humid day... smelling garlic and chili or greasy after afternoon session with Tio at the playground (boy, I didn't know that a small baby can have that much energy)... it is very refreshing to take a hot shower, all I have to do is to close my eyes and feel the warmth.....and I feel much better afterward... ready for the long night :D
My night is still young at 19.00.... these last two days Tio took up a new habit, a nap at 19.00 for half an hour, then he would be so energized and fully charged that he went to sleep at 22.30 (before, he slept at 22.00), half an hour didn't seem much, but with this active toddler that makes you hold your breath every 10 seconds as he does his acrobatic actions, runs around and almost bump into a sharp furniture corner or a wall, it feels long..... hahaha... anyway, he's so funny and I enjoy watching him most of the time ....
These last two days too I started a new consultancy job, I still work from home, but I dont get much time to work on the job during the day, as Tio would always find me :D oh honestly I love it when he comes to me and calls "mmmaaahh"... so here I am working till the wee hours of the day.....
In the days when I could go to the gym every other day, it was nice to have a hot shower after exercising. But that's it, nice.
These days, long hot shower is a luxury, but even a short one is a special thing to enjoy.
After a long, hot and humid day... smelling garlic and chili or greasy after afternoon session with Tio at the playground (boy, I didn't know that a small baby can have that much energy)... it is very refreshing to take a hot shower, all I have to do is to close my eyes and feel the warmth.....and I feel much better afterward... ready for the long night :D
My night is still young at 19.00.... these last two days Tio took up a new habit, a nap at 19.00 for half an hour, then he would be so energized and fully charged that he went to sleep at 22.30 (before, he slept at 22.00), half an hour didn't seem much, but with this active toddler that makes you hold your breath every 10 seconds as he does his acrobatic actions, runs around and almost bump into a sharp furniture corner or a wall, it feels long..... hahaha... anyway, he's so funny and I enjoy watching him most of the time ....
These last two days too I started a new consultancy job, I still work from home, but I dont get much time to work on the job during the day, as Tio would always find me :D oh honestly I love it when he comes to me and calls "mmmaaahh"... so here I am working till the wee hours of the day.....
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