ini postingan gak penting (emang pernah ada yg penting ya? hehehe)
hiks disuruh sortir (dan buang) kosmetik2 yg lama gak tersentuh di kulkas....
jd inget2 dulu masa2 tiap minggu bisa facial treatment hehehe... sayang jg oi... masih byk jg yg belum dibuka (kadang lupa, pas ke dokternya kirain abis, ternyata di rumah msh ada stok)
kulit mukaku dari dulu parah banget... overall kulitku emang jelek... waktu kecil jg gampang alergi/ biduran.... waktu smp/sma/ kuliah jerawatan.... sekarang kasar ky parutan (kata dokter sih seborrhoic dermatitis, ga tahu deh tulisannya gimana, susah bener) dan bercak2.... klo saja manusia bisa ganti kulit, pasti udah dari dulu2 aku tukarin...
jd dulu zaman kecil sampai sma gak ada perawatan kulit apa2, paling jg pas sma maskeran sendiri... couldn't afford anything better than that.... trus kuliah pas zaman2 jayanya extraderm aku cobain jg... kebetulan punya duit hasil kasih les privat..... lumayan manjur sih kulitku jd alus dan putiiiiihhh.... tp lama2 takut jg... karena katanya bikin kulit tipis dan makin sensitif ama matahari....
pindah ke thailand, awal2 gak ada treatment khusus jg... mahasiswa bok... gak ada pendapatan.... abis kerja, baru deh bisa cobain spa (tapi bukan facial treatment krn gak tahu yg bagus *dan gak mahal2 amat* dimana).... cuma bisa treatment di dokter waktu pulang kampung en pake produk perawatan dokter tsb jg tp kurang cespleng mgkn karena kurang rutin jg..... trus belakangan baru nemu klinik *hasil coba2* yg ok, treatmentnya enak gak sakit, gak mahal dan obatnya aku cocok, zaman2 mo merit giat banget deh ke sini... seminggu sekali..... hehehehe....
setelah ketahuan hamil... gak berani lagi deh treatment/ pake obat2nya..... sampe sekarang... berarti udah 27 bulan obat2an itu tak tersentuh.... berat hati kubuang jg tadi....
berikutnya stok kosmetik.... udah gak tersentuh jg... abis krn gak treatment kan wajah jd kasar tuh, jd nya malees banget mo dandan.... mo kasih fondation kok kasar gituh... hiks.... kapan ya aku bisa mulai lagi... sebenernya klo mau sih bisa ninggalin tio ama nanny atau bapaknya di rumah.... tp kok giling filti jg klo ninggalin just for facial treatment gituh.......
sekarang sih aku peeling sendiri pake scrub nya baking soda, beli pore cleanser yg sedot2 ky di salon dan maskeran sendiri tp ya rasanya masih kurang aja :P
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tio's 2nd stay in Jkt
Tio's vocabulary
Tio's vocab has grown fast during this 3 weeks stay. Mostly he says words in English: car, bus, truck, cow, dog, pig, duck, sit, up down,... oh I cannot remember all... but it is amazing that some words that I haven't taught him for a long time (I taught him long time ago) he can say them suddenly.
Tio and the shopping malls
We went from one shopping mall to another in Jkt. Sometimes because I needed to see my friends, sometimes just for spending time. Tio is becoming more active and independent. He would stroll along by himself and looked at new things. The first time he saw the airport he exclaimed "wooowww... woowww", so did he when he went inside the lift at the Pacific Place shopping mall. He would touch and *sometimes* drop CD cases, boxes of cereal.. he would pick up fruits (passion fruit, apple) and pretended to eat them... He's done those things too before we went to Indo but now he seems to be more attentive to the things around him and wants to touch everything. Particularly he's interested in baloons (any kind), vacuum cleaner (he would look at the demo and imitated the sound and his hands would move as if he was vacuuming), cars (he likes to touch the cars and their wheels), and pebbles (he took some from flower pots at the Grand Indonesia).
Our last visit to the mall was on our way to the airport, to have dinner with his uncle and his uncle's friends. He did not want to be carried. He walked and walked and explored. He was like an eel, wriggling and kicking about. We had trouble taking him out of the mall, as we had not much time before flying.
Tio and grandparents
Tio lets his uncle and his uncle's friend play with him and often he came to them, initiating the play. But he didn't want to be left alone with his grandparents, from both sides.
Tio's vocab has grown fast during this 3 weeks stay. Mostly he says words in English: car, bus, truck, cow, dog, pig, duck, sit, up down,... oh I cannot remember all... but it is amazing that some words that I haven't taught him for a long time (I taught him long time ago) he can say them suddenly.
Tio and the shopping malls
We went from one shopping mall to another in Jkt. Sometimes because I needed to see my friends, sometimes just for spending time. Tio is becoming more active and independent. He would stroll along by himself and looked at new things. The first time he saw the airport he exclaimed "wooowww... woowww", so did he when he went inside the lift at the Pacific Place shopping mall. He would touch and *sometimes* drop CD cases, boxes of cereal.. he would pick up fruits (passion fruit, apple) and pretended to eat them... He's done those things too before we went to Indo but now he seems to be more attentive to the things around him and wants to touch everything. Particularly he's interested in baloons (any kind), vacuum cleaner (he would look at the demo and imitated the sound and his hands would move as if he was vacuuming), cars (he likes to touch the cars and their wheels), and pebbles (he took some from flower pots at the Grand Indonesia).
Our last visit to the mall was on our way to the airport, to have dinner with his uncle and his uncle's friends. He did not want to be carried. He walked and walked and explored. He was like an eel, wriggling and kicking about. We had trouble taking him out of the mall, as we had not much time before flying.
Tio and grandparents
Tio lets his uncle and his uncle's friend play with him and often he came to them, initiating the play. But he didn't want to be left alone with his grandparents, from both sides.
we're home, finally
The trip back to BKK was much more convenient than the trip to CGK
First of all, Tio didnt cry when the passengers boarded the aircraft. Maybe because we sat at the middle part of the plane, not at the first row (at the emergency exit) like in the first trip. So he didnt see many people *seemingly* coming at him. We were told, upon check-in, that actually passengers with infant cannot sit at the emergency exit. But sometimes we can, maybe not all check-in staff knows this. Also, there were not so many people this time, only 90 something passengers were there.
Secondly, we got the whole row (3 seats) for ourselves, so I could lay Tio down on my lap. He could sleep more comfortably and I could carry him more comfortably too. During the first trip, I had stiff arms and legs for supporting him sleeping sitting up. We were not able to lay him on our laps because the armrest between us was not movable (coz we were at the emergency exit).
Third, Tio slept almost during the whole trip. He stood up but didn't ask to be carried or to walk inside the aircraft. He asked for food and drink and to be read to. But he was very well behaved. Only when we were waiting for the immigration check *long queue*, he cried a bit. Maybe because his sleep was disturbed and he wanted "nom" *to drink breastmilk* but I couldnt feed him because we were worried that it would be our turn before he finish drinking and also there was no proper place to breastfeed him. He had to wait until we were in the van (which took some time too for the driver to come and pick us up).
Back at home, he seems excited. Like he wants to show that he remembers things. He hugged his doll, rode on his truck, pointed here and there. And when his nanny came, to my surprise, he didnt cry when she picked him up and carried him. He played while his nanny watching. Oh I'm so glad that the transition happened smoothly.
Now I'm going to write about our stay in Jakarta.
First of all, Tio didnt cry when the passengers boarded the aircraft. Maybe because we sat at the middle part of the plane, not at the first row (at the emergency exit) like in the first trip. So he didnt see many people *seemingly* coming at him. We were told, upon check-in, that actually passengers with infant cannot sit at the emergency exit. But sometimes we can, maybe not all check-in staff knows this. Also, there were not so many people this time, only 90 something passengers were there.
Secondly, we got the whole row (3 seats) for ourselves, so I could lay Tio down on my lap. He could sleep more comfortably and I could carry him more comfortably too. During the first trip, I had stiff arms and legs for supporting him sleeping sitting up. We were not able to lay him on our laps because the armrest between us was not movable (coz we were at the emergency exit).
Third, Tio slept almost during the whole trip. He stood up but didn't ask to be carried or to walk inside the aircraft. He asked for food and drink and to be read to. But he was very well behaved. Only when we were waiting for the immigration check *long queue*, he cried a bit. Maybe because his sleep was disturbed and he wanted "nom" *to drink breastmilk* but I couldnt feed him because we were worried that it would be our turn before he finish drinking and also there was no proper place to breastfeed him. He had to wait until we were in the van (which took some time too for the driver to come and pick us up).
Back at home, he seems excited. Like he wants to show that he remembers things. He hugged his doll, rode on his truck, pointed here and there. And when his nanny came, to my surprise, he didnt cry when she picked him up and carried him. He played while his nanny watching. Oh I'm so glad that the transition happened smoothly.
Now I'm going to write about our stay in Jakarta.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Stranded in Jakarta - 2
Excerpt from my email to a friend:
On 29 Nov we were told that Garuda would fly to BKK on 4 Dec.
But then, on 3 Dec they told us that actually they had a flight on 2 Dec and they were not able to contact us, so they considered us as "no show".
They moved us to 4 Dec, but then somehow (I forgot what was the reason) we were moved to 6 Dec.
And then we were told that they cancel the flight on 6 Dec and will only fly on 11 Dec.
However, this is a blessing in disguise... had we flight earlier we might have landed at U Tapao airport and we heard that the condition was not so ok there. So many people while the facility is so limited. We were worried for Tio.
It is soooo relieving to know that the SVB is back to normal now. I had tried asking some friends in BKK (via mailing list) but no one has the information. Now we can have a peace of mind. I miss BKK already.
On 29 Nov we were told that Garuda would fly to BKK on 4 Dec.
But then, on 3 Dec they told us that actually they had a flight on 2 Dec and they were not able to contact us, so they considered us as "no show".
They moved us to 4 Dec, but then somehow (I forgot what was the reason) we were moved to 6 Dec.
And then we were told that they cancel the flight on 6 Dec and will only fly on 11 Dec.
However, this is a blessing in disguise... had we flight earlier we might have landed at U Tapao airport and we heard that the condition was not so ok there. So many people while the facility is so limited. We were worried for Tio.
It is soooo relieving to know that the SVB is back to normal now. I had tried asking some friends in BKK (via mailing list) but no one has the information. Now we can have a peace of mind. I miss BKK already.
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