Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jeremy and Timothy - the first weeks

The first night was difficult, Jeremy demanded to be fed continuously for almost 4 hours, leaving me with very sore nipples
For the next few days I had pain all over my body, from head to toe: swollen feet, sore incision wound, cracked nipples, cough, eye discharge (but doctor said it's not the contagious type as my scleras were not red)

Jeremy really looks like Timothy. Papa found pics of Timothy and when we put their pics together the resemblance is just so obvious

Jeremy is more graceful when being breastfed. According to "What to expect the 1st year" he is more of the "gourmet" type, while Timothy is the "barracuda". Jeremy would taste the nipple, smack his lips and then gracefully suckle. While Timothy would immediately charge and chase when being presented with nipple.

Jeremy can stop sucking when the breastmilk is overflowing (let down) and let the milk drips down his chin. I don't remember Timothy doing that. But both are choked and cough because the milk flow is just too much

Jeremy doesn't like to be held upright or sat down for burping. He would push his head backward so we have to hold him lying down again. Just like Timothy, he would remove the gloves or socks we put on him within 2 minutes. Both of them don't like being swaddled. Jeremy would kick and moan and try to pull his hands out.

Tio is a baby who follows text books, we can find the solutions for the problems we had with him in the books and usually the solutions work well. Or maybe because this time we didn't really have time to read all the books in advance nor when problems happened.

On the first check up at 1 week old Jeremy was suspected to have jaundice and doctor asked to get his blood tested for bilirubin level. If it's >15 then the baby has to undergo light treatment. Luckily Jeremy's was 9.8, which is lower than the threshold level of 10.
Doctor said the continuous feeding because he received nutrition all the time when he was in the womb, or maybe inadequate breastmilk. I think it's the first one :D coz I grazed when I was pregnant.
As for my checkup doctor said all's ok, the waterproof-bandage was removed and he taught hubby how to remove the "magictape"-like bandage which should be easily removed after shower.

Timothy takes all the changes well. But he clung to my sister when she and my mom were visiting. And he acted up too maybe because he knew he had other people to turn on to when his parents are upset. I realized I'm too emotional with him and had to tell myself all the time to calm down, though often times I failed. I really have to be kinder with him.

Hubby has been kinder to Timothy and now he has to take full time care of Timothy. I help when Jeremy is sleeping. Sometimes the timing was right, I could help Timothy when he needed me. But sometimes this happens: breastfeeding-poo-change of clothes-wake up-more breastfeeding-pee-change of clothes-wake up-more breastfeeding-poo-change of clothes-wake could take more than one hour.

After all the convenience of taking care of a 3 yo boy, these changes are hard to take. But I just keep telling myself that this too will pass ;))

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to the world, Jeremy Aadithya Prajogo

While it's still fresh on my mind :)

So on D-1 our dear friend, Vineeta, came to visit me. She was busy too with some matters but still she offered to help and bring me to the hospital. And so kindly she, her husband and daughter stayed on and accompany Agus and Tio till the evening. May God bless her and her family.

So at 8.30 we went to the hospital. I was sent to the labor room. Same procedure followed: cleaning of the abdomen, enema and starting of IV. This time the enema was not so painful as before as I was already prepared. Then I had to wait till 12.00. The nurse urged me to ask hubby to come so he could keep my belongings and sign the paper for Tubal Ligation.

At around 12.00 hubby and Tio came. Then I was brought to the OR. Actually I didn't want Tio to see me wheeled on a stretcher like that. I was afraid he would be frightened by the sight. He almost cried and said "I want to go with you" but I think he was finally diverted, thank God, because Vineeta's daughter was there (2 y.o., and Tio likes to play with her).

This time the anesthetist was a man, he's kind and speaks gently and assured me that everything will be ok, just a little bit painful and there might be some itch or nausea as the side effects. So unlike the one during Tio's birth (she was rude and told me I was not being cooperative therefore she gave me general anesthesia). My Ob-gyn has assured me that he would choose another one this time. I think he understands our feeling toward the previous anesthetist.

So I waited in the OR for some time until my Ob-gyn came (he has consultation session till 12.00). Then everything moved so fast. The spinal block was administered in less than five minutes, the curtain was draped in front of me and my legs got numb. I was given oxygen and told to take deep breaths at first and then told to breathe normally. Then the doctor prick my abdomen for testing and I didn't feel anything. In another minute the anesthetist told me that the Ob-gyn was already doing the operation and in few minutes I heard his cries. So loud and so sweet in my ears.... tears came flooding in my eyes and I saw him, so small and looks like Tio when he was born (though I didn't see Tio at all till he was 1 day old, coz of the general anesthesia). The doctor took a picture of the swollen face mom and the sweet baby and showed me after the operation was finished. Jeremy weighed 2.860 kgs and 48 cms long. Smaller than Tio :)

Then I was brought to the Recovery Room to sleep off the effect of the anesthesia for 2 hours. My legs were still numb till the evening. And I had to take full bedrest that evening, but had to change positions (alternating between lying on my back, my left and right sides). It took some efforts as the numbing effect wore off.

This morning, the nurse took off the catheter, and then the IV. I could already drink water at 06.00, ate porridge at 08.00 and walk soon afterward. They gave me painkiller pills too. So I finally met Jeremy again. He felt so small in my arms, I think much smaller than Tio and so far he seems to be more calm too, while Tio is very active :) He sucks gently and looks very graceful when trying to find the nipple, while Tio was more like a barracuda in chasing the nipple :)

On the more gross matters, the lochia did not come out until this morning. I was worried but the nurse said it was ok. It was because the doctor cleaned the site thoroughly. I could already pass urine at around noon though BM will have to wait till later as no solids were allowed yesterday.

I had to drink a lot of liquid and I took Molocco to fasten breastmilk production as the doctors and nurses seem to worry that if we didn't give anything to the baby the side effects will be bad (hypoglycemia, reduced IQ, etc.). So we decided to let the hospital to give Jeremy totally hydrolysated formula on the first day. But today I asked them to call me when he's hungry.

Tio's been ok so far. Yesterday he was diverted as he had Bavinee to play with and today he went to Future PArk for his usual Gymboree class with his daddy, my mom and my sister. We tried to keep his routine as much as usual. I gave him some small presents too (book and a 25 Baht toy car :D)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Counting down to our 2nd son's birth

Just would like to record how it feels and what happens

Compared to Tio's birth, this time around there are more of the preparations and apprehension. Tio's birth was scheduled on 11 June, but when I went to the hospital to check about the spotting I experienced on the night of 5 June, I was immediately told to have the operation that morning. This time, we are looking at the date 16 October, planning and worrying about what will happen, what arrangement will be best for Tio, how we will cope with the 4 days of me being away from him. As for me, knowing what to expect (the procedure before the operation, the operation itself and what follows) somehow makes me more apprehensive.... when I gave birth to Tio, I had read a lot about it beforehand, but nothing compares to experience the process itself.

We've got a new fulltime helper in mid of Sept. It was good that my previous helper (part time) asked to resign as she found a new job then. It gave time for Tio to know our new helper better. She's good with him and they clicked. Though Tio still doesn't let anyone else but me to dress him up, help him showering and he still asks me to bring him to school (with our helper alongside him, as he's fond of riding his own bike, and rides it so fast too, and I cannot catch up with him anymore during these last few months). But Tio doesn't mind being picked up from school by her alone. She let him ride his bike fast and she does not scold him as much as his mom does :D guess he may even be happier when mom's not picking him up. I'm also happy with her work around the house. Coming from me, a very picky "madam", it's a high compliment :)

We started preparing clothes etc. since mid of Sept too, as we also moved house on 6 Sept and had to fix things etc. after that. But I got less time to read and find more info about what to prepare etc. Actually I got time, but I also want to catch up with my reading (plan to finish reading Harry Potter the series :D but still stuck at the Order of the Phoenix) and watching Desperate Housewives (finished watching Season 6) and Twilight 1 & 2. I also want to spend some time with Papa :) as maybe we won't have much time alone after this.

Tio's been having cold and cough and last week discharge in the eyes, on and off, since he started school. It's rather hard on him and on us too and we're also worried that his brother may catch some of it from Tio. But we can worry about it later.

Papa had some early baby blues, he's worried about me and about Tio. Somehow I got upset when he told me about this, maybe because it made my worries became more real. I know I shouldn't have and I have to try and be a better wife for him, as he's a perfect husband to me. I'm so thankful of having him beside me. And Tio too, he's a very good son, though I sometimes got so irritated with him for the smallest reasons, but he's always being very good. I love you both so much.

So, most probably I'll go to the hospital by myself (paperworks have been taken care of during our last visit last Sunday) while Tio and papa will follow after lunch. As the operation is scheduled at 12.30.

Keep on counting down .... :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Papa's note on Tio's birth

Di ruang operasi…
Perasaan tegang banget sewaktu masuk ke ruang operasi. Christine sudah dibawa masuk terlebih dahulu ke operating theatre no. 8, sedangkan aku disuruh bersiap siap, mengenakan baju hijau, topi dan masker mulut, dan disuruh duduk di ruang tunggu. Dan ketika suster mengajak masuk ke operating theatre, rasanya sudah engga karuan. Aku melihat Christine, dibius total – padahal dokter bilang sewaktu konsultasi kalau pakai bius lokal – dikelilingi dokter ob-gyn, pediatrician, anesthetician, dan beberap nurse. Aku disuruh duduk di kursi disebelah Christine, cuman engga bisa apa apa soalnya si anesthetician bilang: Don’t touch anything. Don’t move your hand. Don’t move your leg (galak banget ga sih? – sebel).

Engga terlalu lama, dokter ob-gyn berhasil mengeluarkan bayinya. Baru tahu saat itu kalau bayinya kalung usus. Jadi ada perasaan bersyukur juga, soalnya ada yang bilang melahirkan normal untuk bayi yang kalung usus mempunyai resiko yang besar terhadap bayinya...

Begitu bayinya keluar (pukul 12:01) dan dipotong tali pusat-nya, terus oleh pediatrician bayi tersebut dibawa ke meja observasi, dibersihkan hidung dan tenggorokannya, test APGAR dan lain sebagainya. Pertama kali melihat bayi tersebut, badannya berwarna merah kebiru-biruan hampir abu abu. Sekilas timbul pertanyaan, normalkah baby ini? apakah ada yang salah? Kenapa koq warna badannya seperti itu? Tapi setelah semua cairan dibersihkan dari hidung dan tenggorokan, dan baby mulai menangis kencang, maka secara perlahan warna badannya berubah menjadi merah. Kemudian bayi diselimutin dan aku disuruh menggendong bayi tersebut untuk dibawa ke nursery – untuk dicheck lebih lanjut – rasanya seperti mimpi. Semua kekuatiran, ketakutan, was was, hilang, dan berubah menjadi rasa syukur karena baby lahir dengan selamat dan sempurna, bangga (I’m a father now!) dan bahagia ketika suster memberi selamat… He is surely the most precious gift that the Lord gave to us.

Mama’s note on baby Tio’s birth

(written around 1 year back)

It seems that mama has lost the note mama wrote right after baby was born. And it’s been 2 years and 3 months now so mama better write another one before mama forget.

While staying inside mama’s tummy, baby Tio did not give any trouble at all. Mama did not experience morning sickness much (only 3 days out of 9 months), mama could eat anything, could smell anything. Baby Tio started to actively moving after the 5th month (?) and often mama & papa felt baby Tio hiccuping inside.

So mama & papa had been expecting that baby Tio could be delivered normally. But 2 weeks before the due date the doctor said that mama’s amniotic fluid was low so mama most probably would deliver by Cesarean section.

So baby Tio was scheduled to be born on 9 Jun 2007, but on 5 Jun mama had spottings. The next day mama and papa went to the hospital just to check, thinking that the time had not yet come. But then after some fetal monitoring the doctor decided that mama had to deliver on that day. So mama was told to change mama’s clothes, shaved and told to wait while the nurse checking on the baby. Papa was outside and mama would actually loved to have him beside her. Then suddenly without warning the nurse administered enema (so mama could poo and had the bowel clean before the operation). Oh it was really a pain in the a**!

Then mama was brought to the operation room where it was cold. But it was not like what mama had imagined (like what mama saw in movies). Then the anesthetist tried to inject the epidural and mama had to curl on mama’s side but she could not find the right location and she said that mama was not being cooperative. OMG, it was painful and mama did wince everytime the needle was inserted, so mama didn’t know how to be cooperative. So finally mama was given general anesthetic. They asked mama to inhale inside a mask and suddenly mama was deeply asleep.

So the process was lost to mama. Mama woke up because the anesthetist called mama rudely. And then mama was transferred to the room. Mama went to the hospital at around 11.00, was operated at 12.01 and woke up at around 13.30. But it was not until the next day that mama met Tio, coz mama was told to stay in the bed and not allowed to eat. They brought mama to nurse Tio. Tio was so small, red, with very fine hair and blinking his eyes slowly. He was the most beautiful baby mama had ever seen. Mama was afraid to touch and move Tio so mama had to call the nurse when changing position. Mama learned how to give Tio formula through a cup. Mama did not really think about exclusive breastfeeding that time but mama does not think that the few cups given to Tio on those first few days matter much. Mama also learned how to clean Tio’s belly button and to give Tio bath.

So Tio stayed in the baby room from 6-8 Jun. Tio had so many visitors, mama and papa’s friends. Then on 8 Jun Tio was allowed to stay with mama. Mama and papa learned how to change Tio’s diaper and clothes. Then on 9 Jun Tio went home with mama and papa by a taxi. Tio wore Piyo-piyo shirt and pants and a matching receiving blanket. He looked like a bundle and mama and papa called Tio “our bundle of joy”.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Lots of things been going on

Been anxious for sometimes because of Tio's idiopathic urticaria, a friend said that her eldest daughter was continuously sick when my friend was pregnant with her 2nd child. It seemed to be the case with Tio, hope it'll go away when I give birth :)

Been busy with NZ application coz we'd been stalling it for quite some time esp during the riots in Bangkok, as we couldn't go to the places where the required documents can be processed. We had to ask for extension of the deadline.

Am currently busy with Tio's starting to school and moving to a new room because our current room is infested by termites that destroyed some of our things :( I can't do much about the moving though and it makes me feel restless and a bit useless. Pity my hubby who has to do it again. Last time we moved our room too when I was 6 months pregnant with Tio.

Pregnancy is ok, entering 32nd week. The baby is a bit quiet compared to Tio who moved a lot inside my tummy. But maybe because I move a lot now, before I sat a lot at the office and at home I could sit or lie down whenever I want. Now I barely have time to sit quietly.