Tuesday, November 16, 2004


In another 45 days I will be officially jobless.... till now I haven't found the right job for me... there are still faint traces of hope for an extension of my current job (for another 4 - 6 months) but.... anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed....

Hey.. only now I realise that it will be sad for me to say goodbye to my colleagues.... we've been working for 3 years together... though things are not always sweet, and I sometimes complained *kangmas, hope u don't mind my complaining* but in general I'm happy working with them.... some people said my office is the best place to work.... hmmm I think I agree with them..... *I have to remember to bring lots of tissue to the farewell party*

In 14 days comes December.... eventful month... we'll be taking a small step toward our future together....I'm turning 28.... and I will know what will happen to me regarding my job....


Anonymous said...

deu...jangan sedih gitu dong...ayo cari kerja lagi...semangaatttt...ke spore aja...gimana, udah lamar" blon?


teano said...

we wish u a blessed Christmas and joyful New Year

natal ini pulkam gak tan?
