Friday, December 12, 2008

Tio's 2nd stay in Jkt

Tio's vocabulary

Tio's vocab has grown fast during this 3 weeks stay. Mostly he says words in English: car, bus, truck, cow, dog, pig, duck, sit, up down,... oh I cannot remember all... but it is amazing that some words that I haven't taught him for a long time (I taught him long time ago) he can say them suddenly.

Tio and the shopping malls

We went from one shopping mall to another in Jkt. Sometimes because I needed to see my friends, sometimes just for spending time. Tio is becoming more active and independent. He would stroll along by himself and looked at new things. The first time he saw the airport he exclaimed "wooowww... woowww", so did he when he went inside the lift at the Pacific Place shopping mall. He would touch and *sometimes* drop CD cases, boxes of cereal.. he would pick up fruits (passion fruit, apple) and pretended to eat them... He's done those things too before we went to Indo but now he seems to be more attentive to the things around him and wants to touch everything. Particularly he's interested in baloons (any kind), vacuum cleaner (he would look at the demo and imitated the sound and his hands would move as if he was vacuuming), cars (he likes to touch the cars and their wheels), and pebbles (he took some from flower pots at the Grand Indonesia).

Our last visit to the mall was on our way to the airport, to have dinner with his uncle and his uncle's friends. He did not want to be carried. He walked and walked and explored. He was like an eel, wriggling and kicking about. We had trouble taking him out of the mall, as we had not much time before flying.

Tio and grandparents

Tio lets his uncle and his uncle's friend play with him and often he came to them, initiating the play. But he didn't want to be left alone with his grandparents, from both sides.


Benny Suryanto said...

Ce wah Tio udah isa ngomong macem2 ya.
Kiyo kalah banget, blum isa ngomong jelas, nyebut kata aja belum bisa.
Gimana nih, apa anakku super active.
Bisanya mama, apa, papa, cucu.
Dan bahasa sendiri kayak main telpon2an, ngomong2 dewe.tapi ndak tau artine.
Aku wes lama jg ndak ngajari ngomong, atau bacain buku.
Habis jg dibacain buku malah bukune ditutup lah apa lah.
Dan aku bukan super duper yang sabar untuk mengajar hehehehe.
AKu sekolahin biar baur ama temene, tp jg ndak bisa.Mumet.

Anonymous said...

he is just like the one i have in here...

* said...

hai Nov... gpp tiap anak lain2.. tp emang penting kita beri stimulus... gak harus spesial diajarin kok, bisa aja pas jalan2 diajak ngomong ditunjukkin ini itu... ada masanya nanti dia bakalan seneng niruin tiap kata yg kita omongin, nah pas ini ky nya baik diajarin mengucapkan macam2 kata biarpun mungkin dia gak ngerti maksudnya..... klo super active (maksudnya hiper?) nggak lah, emang ktnya byk ortu yg takut anaknya hiperaktif pdhal ya wajar aja anak aktif, kitanya aja yg nggak bisa ngimbangin hehehe

Ria.... emang nih baca dari blogmu, si Tio dan Calvin mirip kelakuannya :D

sama deh, kadang aku berharap Tio bisa "sedikiiiit aja" lebih anteng... tapi ya sud lah emang anaknya begitu hahahaha