Monday, May 30, 2005

Life is fragile.....

A friend of mine just passed away. It was surprising to anyone who knows him, because he did not look sick before and he was just 47 y.o.. He was such a nice person, though I didn't know him very well, but he always said hello and asked me how I was whenever we met. But their faith in the Lord has been keeping his wife and three children strong. Please pray that the Lord will always comfort and strengthen them.

Life is fragile and it's nothing but passing wind....

yet... what am I doing with mine..... sometimes I even not appreciate it... ah....


Anonymous said...

emang gak nyangka banget thomas udah gak ada lagi..hiks...

enjoy ur life aja deh sis...^^

Anonymous said...

semua orang pasti akan pegi..
tinggal tunggu waktu, kayak antri beli karcis..

yg paling penting bagi semua orang yag sadar bahwa dia bakalan pasti mati adalah:
harus bisa jawab.. abis mati dia bakalan ke mana?? apakah dia yakin pasti masuk ke surga??

kalau yakin, dasarnya apa? Kalau yang punya surga tanya, "kenapa aku harus mengijinkan kamu masuk ke surga-KU?" apa jawab nya??

aku suka diskusi hal-hal beginian..
jadi silakan ditanggapi bagi yg berminat.. kalau ga berminat ya gapapa, asal anda tahu jawabnya..