Thursday, June 15, 2006

People in love - Kenny Rogers

Lagu ini paling tepat menggambarkan suasana hati ku * jieeh, suasana hati* saat ini deh

People in love
They've got it all
They've got the world in their hands
It shows in their eyes
There's no way to hide all the love that they have...

People in love
Live every day
Knowing each other by heart
The power of two
Leading them through like a torch in the dark...

Love seemed so far away
I never dreamed I would be
One of those people in love
But I found you
To give all my loving to (Only you)
I never dreamed we could be
Two of those people in love...

People in love
Think of forever
Knowing someone truly cares
Love is the key
And those who believe have a lifetime to share...

Love seemed so far away
I never dreamed I would be
One of those people in love
But I found you
To give all my loving to (Only you)
I never dreamed we could be
Two of those people in love
I never dreamed we could be
Two of those people in love...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Twelve more days to go...

Yo... the gown is here... the tickets are here.... ready to go home hehehehe...

Asked how do i feel..... i dont know exactly what to answer... other than the faster beating of my heart... i also feel as if i'm living in a dream hehehhe.... daydreaming while working... losing my ability to concentrate on the work i am doing -just an excuse, i could never concentrate on my work before either hehehehe-

We went to the dentist for checking and cleaning. I dont have any cavities (coz i avoid soft drinks, I had 12 cavities when I drank it frequently) but even though my teeth were cleaned, they're still not as white as before, thanks to all the coffee that I drink every morning :P

We are mostly occupied with the moving out and moving in.... it's so tiring, so I took vitamin everyday.....

Yesterday we had our wedding shower, prepared by the Christian Fellowship. It was so impressive.... though we have been absent for almost 3 years :P yet they put alot of efforts for this wonderful gathering. I want to write down some points that were shared

- just enjoy the preparation, dont be too worried about the details and the nitty-gritty
(this is easy for me, as I am a happy-go-lucky person.... I'm still a bit worried with the work, yet here i am blogging :D)

- dont expect him to read your mind, if you want roses or chocolate on the valentine's day or wants him to take you out, just say so......
(ahaa.... this will takes some efforts for me)

- the adjustment period will take a lot of efforts, love and grace from God....

- marriage is a never ending adjustment process... we'll still learn new things about the other party no matter how long we have been married

- when misunderstanding comes, it's not the person that you are angry with, but the things that he/she did... so dont be angry or be quiet on him/her.... how can you be angry with someone you sleep with, wake up with, share your meals with.....

- dont let the sun rises before your problem is solved... pillow talk works...
(this one, I have to force myself also... coz I tend to keep things for myself, I know it's not good to do this)

- put efforts so that in-laws will not become out-laws
(hehehe, luckily, my in-laws are nice to me and I dont have any problems so far, we get a long very well)

- prayer works and fellowship with others is important

I am preparing some songs for our wedding now....

Friday, June 02, 2006

Twenty two more days to go....

Hyuck...hyuckk..hyuckkk (ketawa ala Goofy)... tinggal 22 hari lagi.... :blush:

Kalo pas lagi inget.... my heart beats faster than usual hehehe... dag dig dug gitu....

Ttg persiapannya, my gown masih belum siap... we were supposed to take it last sunday, tapi kemaren dicoba ternyata masih kurang bagus di bagian lengannya.... ya sud... terpaksa besok ke Bangkok lagi...

-ehem, terpaksa?-

hihihi ngga ding, yah emang benernya aku ngga terlalu hobby ke Bangkok soal e biasanya jadi ngga enak badan n cape kalo abis dari Bangkok, dulu nya sih engga, tapi setelah dibilangin bhw kalo ke Bangkok itu kita abis panas kena dingin, panas lagi, dingin lagi jadi gampang sakit, eh malah tersugesti gitu... tapi demi yg satu ini sih aaaakkkuuu reelaaaaa..... (nyanyi ala Mansyur S. -bener ngga ya? cuek ah-)

Trus.... yg bingung nih soal undangan... adaaaa aja yg kelupaan....

Apa lagi yah.... yg soal kerjaan udah agak diringankan deh hatiku (duh bahasanya.... kena angin apa yah?) soalnya udah mulai ada titik terang... aku ngga stress kyk dulu lagi, lagian yg bikin laporan udah selesai lah yg major partnya yg bikin aku sumpek.....

Lalu masih mindah2 dan ngatur2 barang lagi

Lalu masih ngurus travel plan utk keluarga di Bangkok nanti

Lalu masih harus nge-pak barang2... ntar gimana bawa wedding gown nya ngga tahu juga, cuma dikasih tempat plastik gitu ama sono nya (spt plastik dari laundry gitu)

Lalu masih ada wedding shower n stag party ntar tgl 11 Juni....

Kayaknya ngga bakalan sempat test kesehatan deh... tapi let's see aja.....

Aku sudah rela sekarang ini stress-stress dulu dng kerjaan, kurang tidur, dsb (dan jerawat jadi bertebaran dimana-mana)... toh nanti masih ada 1 minggu, begitu datang langsung perawatan wajah, pencet abis itu jerawat .. lalu tidurnya dipuas2in hihihihi....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

masuk tipi :P

Kata temen Thai ku, aku dan kangmas muncul di tipi Thai lhooo hehehe sayangnya kita nya sendiri ngga nonton....

Ceritanya gini... beberapa minggul yl, waktu kita jalan di FP, di Foodcourt deket Fitness tuh, aku lihat ada cowo teenager gitu... (tapi katoey alias bences) lagi ngobrol di hape... berdiri di tengah jalan... ehhh tau2 celana panjang dia jatuh mlorot sampe mata kaki gitu ........

*tapi dia pake shorts loh hihihihi*

aku ngliatin sambil mikir, jangan2 ini tv show... kayak candid camera gitu... tapi ya udah kita lewat aja....

eh selagi di Fitness, aku ngliat ke bawah, anak itu masih di tengah jalan sambil hape-an gitu... n lagi2 celananya mlorot..... lalu setelah dibetulin, ada temennya cowok gitu (kayaknya yg ini cowo tulen) lari sambil mlorotin celana si bences itu... tapi sambil lari, celana si cowo itu juga mlorot....

jadi makin yakin ini candid camera ala thai.... apalagi di deket situ ada sekumpulan orang berdiri di balik kardus yg ditumpuk tumpuk (biasanya ngga ada) pasti ini kamera nya... tapi kita ngga tau kapan disiarin nya hahaha... ngga tau deh dikasih komen apa waktu di tipi (biasanya kan di dub komen yg lucu2 n aneh2).... :D