Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stranded in Jakarta

so here we are still in Jakarta...

we were supposed to fly back last night, but those stupid people has prevented us from doing so

it's been enjoyable staying in Jkt... but nothing compares to home sweet home....

Tio's been acting up a little bit during our stay here, he's really trying my patience, and -sadly- I lose it often...... maybe it's just another stage in his development, maybe he's still trying to cope with the changes.... there were so many out-of-his routine things happened to him during this time... but maybe it's good for him to deviate from his routine life back home and maybe he'd learn something out of it.....but even I begin to miss the familiarity of our life and routine back there....

I've done with one project, just waiting for the payment to be made now hahaha.... oh my "sleep at 3 am" days have ended....... the other one is still ongoing, but there's not much I have to do now....


Benny Suryanto said...

ce..ndek jakarta?
Liburan kah atau ada kerjaan?
Aku balik jogja huheuehue.
Suvanabu...maish tutup ya..katanya org indo mau dievakuasi?betul kah?

* said...

Nov iya...
ikutan dear husband yg lagi training, lumayan kan bisa pulang dng ngirit 1 tiket hehehe
lho kamu udah di jogja ya? wah mesti ke blogmu nih.... ketinggalan jauh....

itu beritanya agak dibesar2in.. yg dievakuasi kan turis2 gitu... yg tinggal/ bekerja/ belajar di sana sih biasa aja... life goes on as usual...