Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tio drove us insane today. He ate so little at lunch, didn't want to take his nap, but he was cranky and so whiny in the afternoon. I feel so exhausted.

Lately I couldn't find much me-time. I don't have time for social activities (incl. arisan YM :D, blog/ diary/ FB walking :D) he's so full of energy and always wants my attention.

Yesterday I and kangmas just discussed about a second child (thanks to the late coming of my period, maybe now I have 37-38 days cycle?). We agree to start trying when Tio is 2 y.o. so I start taking folic acid now and I suggested him to take it too. I will start looking for info again on what to prepare for pregnancy (vaccination, medical tests to take, etc.)

Well but today got me thinking again.... it's so exhausting raising one child.... can we manage with two? I couldn't help lashing out at Tio too earlier today. If one child can provoke me that much, how about if there are two?

Something else just crossed my mind. 1-2 years ago there was a Canadian student here, he's kind of standing out among the crowd because of his height and his acts. We often saw him coz we frequented the same food vendor. We didn't think he took any notice of us. So we were surprised that one day he approached us and talked to us. He said his ancestor was Indian (as in the native people of America) and he has the gift of seeing people's spirit. He said that both I and my husband are tiger people. We have the spirit of tiger. It's not something related to our Chinese/ Western zodiac, he said. He said we are strong but we will have territorial problem should we meet with other tigers. Well.... I admit that both I and my husband are strong and hard headed. I'm kind of afraid that we would act too hard to our children and affect them.....

For sure Tio brings us unmeasurable joy and another child will bring more joy.... but I'm worried that I will do things all wrong and damage these beautiful gifts.....

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