Monday, September 06, 2004

C'est la vie

Life-is not as easy-as what they wrote-in the books
We-can-read-as many-books on interpersonal skills-as we want
They-may-not-react-as-what is written-there in the books

Mais-c'est la vie

We-learn-little by little-from our-experiences
Hoping-that-today-we will be-a teeny weeny bit wiser-than yesterday

C'est la vie

We-hope-that we can see-the future
We-may-have-our doubts-about-what tomorrow may bring
But-we-just-have-to go on with life

And-life-most of the times-does not give you-many choices
Sometimes-there's only one-choice
Just take it-or leave it

C'est la vie

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