Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My mind eludes me

Here goes another fruitless day.... duh!
Beberapa hari ini ga bisa konsen
Bisa sih memeriksa kerjaan asisten ku dan kasih komen
Udah selesaiin content utk 2nd info sheet project ini juga sih
Tapi utk bikin report seminar pertama di Manila lalu, sampe sekarang ngga maju2.
Udah bikin cover nya sih (wikiki :P)
tapi contentnya, rasanya buntu padahal sebenernya gampang lho
Akibatnya malah browsing friendster mulu hehehe.
Ngeliatin foto terbaru teman2ku
Ato cari teman lama yg udah lama menghilang

-Sekarang lagi ujan, sambil dengerin Classics for Rainy Days, yg dikasih *kangmas saya* for the first birthday I celebrated with him, well not really with him, cos my birthday falls during the holiday :-( , so I was always in my hometown and he in his hometown. Anyway, pengen pulang aja nih, hehehe, malas di kantor ujan2 gini-

coba lagi deh.... nyicil report nya....

1 comment:

* said...

Hehehe jeng Nit, thanks ya dah mampir, Good day to u too