Thursday, August 14, 2008

Being a FTM

Hmm there's nothing to complain about, just want to record my today's thought - coz I might forget this tomorrow :D

I can spend most of my time with my beloved son, I have a baby sitter to help me when I need to run some errands, cooking, taking a shower or working on my free lance consultancy job

I just wonder.... with all the help... I still feel that I have not much time to do anything else...maybe it's my time management.... or I need to delegate more to the baby sitter... but I can't ... hehehe... as a clean freak and a perfectionist, I can't......

so what's the point I want to make here? hihihi nothing I guess.... ah mbulet mode ON.....


Benny Suryanto said...

I guess, krg waktu buat isa nyalon, shopping sendiri, belanja, makan, ngobrol ama temans tanpa ada gangguan anak keci hihihihi.

Wah..ce..masih bersyukur ada babysitter yg bantuin. hehehe. Oh ya apa ndak cari aja pembantu yg buat masak, buat bersih2..hmmm lah tp apa seng mau dibersihin yo..kan sdh ada cleaning service ya..hihihi. solution. kekekek.

Mungkin emang kalaow kita ndek rumah jg, ya tetep ae si anak itu maune ama kita trs, jadine nek mau ngapai2n jg ga bisa atau musti dibagi 2 perhatiane...hehehe.

FTM itu apa ya......'hehehe"

Anonymous said...

FTM emang selalu dinamis...belon pernah ngalamin profesi se-dinamis jadi FTM jagoan dong...hehehehehehe...

* said...

huehehe nov, ria thx udah mampir
ky nya pas itu aku lagi kena love-hate ama nanny ku ... aku tulis di postingan baru deh :D

FTM is full time mom...